Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In the beginning...

...I really should have been doing my physics homework. Instead, I was trawling the internet tubes for fantastic vegan blogs. Really, torque, you can take a back seat for the evening.

I became a vegan in my first semester of college (after being a vegetarian for 5 years). For my birthday, I received the wonderful 'Vegan with a Vengeance' and 'Veganomicon' (I love my mom for being so supportive). I've never been much of a cook (i.e. I have lit toast on fire), but I realized that to be healthy and vegan, I would probably have to learn.

Little did my family realize that they were, evidently, releasing the vegan monster within. I cooked or baked some new vegan recipe nearly every day over my winter vacation. I quickly went into good vegan food withdrawal while back at school (there is only so much peanut butter, salad, and hummus a girl can take). In my desperation, I started reading through Isa Moskowitz' blog. Her blog linked to other blogs, and soon I was awash in a plethora of vegan recipes and ethics.

I rashly decided to make my own.

Most of the blogs I've been reading are by people who have been vegan for years, are wonderful cooks, and/or are incredibly knowledgeable about the ethics of food. I am none of these things. However, all of the above are quickly becoming passions of mine, and so I decided to begin a chronicle of my "learning experiences" (aka: random life events that will possibly center around veganism).

I hope everyone enjoys!


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